Expobar G 10 2 GR Professional Espresso Machine

The Expobar G 10 is a machine that excels for its design, high technology and simple functionality. Equipped with the most advanced electronic system, which means an extremely precise control. Constructed out of high quality components, the Expobar G 10 is built to make espressos consistently and reliably for years to come.

[av_button label=’G 10 Brochure’ link=’manually,https://cafe7.ie/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/G-10_ENG.pdf’ link_target=” size=’medium’ position=’left’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=” admin_preview_bg=”]


  • Auto-Switch On – The machine will get up to temperature at a set time, allowing you to get to work the moment that you open up. Less down time, less waiting.
  • 4 program drink dose settings per head
  • 2 steam arms and one hot water tap
  • PID technology ensures that temperatures are controlled, allowing for coffee to be brewed in its optimum conditions.
  • LCD panel  display: memorization of total brewed coffees, automatic dosing of hot water, time management, and, daily automatic switch ON/OFF of the coffee machine, control of the boiler temperature through display.
  • Descaler and maintenance warning features
  • Copper boiler with heat exchange
  • Built-in volumetric pump
  • Warning light indicates when boiler is running low on water
  • Automatic group head back flush
  • Adjustable steam arm
  • Hot water tap(stainless steel)

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