COLOMBIA BY THE WIND – Transported by sail
Coming from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (declared a
Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO), one of the highest coastal massifs in the world
and with incredible biodiversity, this organic and
fair trade coffee has reached our land by sail.
TOWT is a future-oriented Breton company, specialised since 2011
in the transport of goods by sail. By building on the heritage
of maritime routes and old sailing ships, TOWT is bringing up to date an
ecological mode of transport that responds to
current and future environmental issues . But This approach is not limited to
transport. The goods themselves and the producers are
part of this commitment. It is therefore quite natural that Anne Caron
wished to join forces with TOWT to launch her first organic coffee.
Connect to the TOWT website and enter the trip number
on the ANEMOS logo, to find out more about your coffee:
TRIP N ° 2001
- Origin: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
- Variety: Castillo, Colombia, Caturra & Tipica
- Process: Washed
- Altitude : 700 – 1900m
- Rating: Greater than 80
Net weight: 250 grams
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