Ingredients (Composition) : Rooibos (92.8%), vanilla pieces, (3.7%) vanilla flavor (3.5%).
Infusion time: 3-4 minutes
Recommended temperature: 95°C
Tasting: evening
The rooibos is a shrub which belongs to the order of Fabales, it is cousin with the acacias. It grows exclusively in South Africa in the Cederberg Mountains, located north of Cape Town. This shrub needs a very specific climate and soil to grow. This plant is famous for the infusion made of fine, slightly fermented pieces. By its red color, this infusion was by abuse of language called red tea. However, tea and rooibos are two different plants that do not have the same virtues. Rooibos is devoid of theine, so it can be drunk before bedtime without disturbing sleep.